Saturday, January 7, 2012

More of What's Stewing on my Mind

Another couple weeks away from y'all, so I start by offering my apologies! The holidays means lots of travel for me. Now that I'm back home and settled in, let's see what's been a-brewing in the ol' noggin.
  • College Football
First, the Sugar Bowl was a terrible display of football by the Michigan Wolverines. At the end of the day, though, a win is a win is a win and that's what Michigan finally did: win a BCS game! What a great season for Team 132, 11 wins, a Sugar Bowl victory, and most importantly, a win over OSU. I am so happy that the team bounced back and am really excited about the recruits coming in, the idea of our defense having another year of development under Greg Mattison, and a season opener in Dallas at Jerry's World! I plan to make my first visit to the home of my NFL team for a college game between my team and my most hated coach in the sport. Speaking of which, over the past month, all I've heard from everybody is how the first game between LSU/Bama was terrible and how they don't wanna watch it again. Then don't! Stop whining about it. I loved the first game. I love great defense. My favorite players have always been defensive players: Roy Williams, Charles Woodson, Deion Sanders, DeMarcus Ware. It's so fun to watch a game where a defense imposes it's will on the opponent. That first game was exactly that, two defenses imposing their will. It wasn't bad football, it was just great football on the opposite side than most fans enjoy. Too bad for them, hells yeah for me!
  • NFL
The sport which I could care less about. That's right, I'm burned out on the NFL. The Cowboys season was sooooo draining as a fan. I mean, they finished 8-8 while blowing games against New York, Arizona and Detroit. That's 11-5 right there. Then they also blew leads against New England and the Jets in games they should have won. So a 13-3 team ends up 8-8. Tell me again, Mr. Jones, why Jason Garrett still has a job? It's mind-boggling that a man who singlehandedly killed a playoff run still has a job. Romo lost the Jets game, yes. But Garrett's play calling cost the Cowboys the Lions game, his icing of his own kicker cost them the Zona game, and his inability to get the team to show up against the NFC East is just inexcusable. I hate being a reactionary fan, calling for my coaches head, but I truly believe this is a case where it's called for, Jason just isn't ready to be a top coach. Maybe this weekend's game will solve my NFL blues...most likely not though.
  • Basketball
College basketball this season has been great, but I feel like the masses still don't know. So here's my public service announcement: watch B1G hoops this year. Please, if you enjoy the sport, watch it. Every night and every game has been a blast. There are a legit 9 tourney contenders, and the other three (Iowa, PSU and Nebraska) all have fun pieces they bring to games. The B1G is a better conference top-to-bottom than the Big East this year. On top of that, with only 12 teams compared to 16, you are more likely to get great matchups every night, meaning much more enjoyable ball every week. That does it for my PSA. Continuing with hoops, the NBA is completely unpredictable this season. I refuse to get suckered in to thinking any team is good or bad, because the very next night the bad team beats the good team by 40. At this point, it just feels like teams are going Ali on the early schedule, playing rope-a-dope to see how beat up they will be at the midway point. If they are in the playoff hunt and able to make a push, they will, if not, they sell off for next season. This season will not feel real to me until around game 30. Up til then, I enter every night excited for what craziness will ensue.

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